Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mutation Plate 1

After completing the piece with the nuclear bomb, I experiemented with the juxtaposition of cute and creepy. This idea originated from the two headed duck on my previous piece, as I loved the viewer's reaction when realising something so cute - the baby duck - was so deformed. The first thing that came to mind when thinking of how I could present mutations in a cute, floral way were the typical floral collectible plates. I then chose to use some examples of these as inspiration for my own designs. From the plate above, I wanted the viewer to have to look twice before realising what was wrong with the animal in the centre of the plate, and hopefully evoke a sense of awe. I was only able to get hold of a select few colours of ceramic paints, and so I am not completely happy with the colour scheme used, as I would have liked the brighter colours to be slightly more toned down, as these colours are unrealistic of the floral plates actually collected.

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